Essays The Duties of Women
2nd Year English Notes
Essays The Duties of Women
Women play a very vital role in human progress and have a significant
place in the society. They are not at all inferior to men. They are
capable of sharing all the responsibilities of life. Man and woman have
been rightly compared to the wheels of the same carriage. Islam has
accorded an equal position to women in the society. Islam realized the
importance of women and granted them a very dignified position equal to
The main responsibility of a woman is to preserve the human race. As a
mother, her position is unique. She brings up the children with extreme
care. The first school of a child is the lap of his mother. It is
quite true that great man had great mothers. Napoleon said:
“Give me good mothers and I will give you a good nation.”
The progress of nation depends upon the way the mothers bring up their
children. If the mothers are educated, the whole society will progress.
Women have always played an important role in the progress of a
nation. In the early days of Islam, women worked side by side with men.
In the battlefield, they nursed the injured, kept up the supplies and
in certain cases even fought bravely. Florence Nightingale was the
woman, who led a very successful campaign for the reforms of hospitals
and nursing profession. Women had been great saints, scholars, poets,
writers, reformers and administrators.
Women should be given proper education and training. They should known
what life is and how it should be lived. Educated women can do much to
reform the society. Many disturbances in the society is created by
those anti-social persons, who were brought up by wrong hands. In
modern age, women are going very well in all the fields of progress.
They are demonstrating their talents in best. They are serving as
teachers, doctors, Engineers, Administrators and even head of the
states. The literacy rate among the women so in Pakistan is very low.
The need is to increase this ratio. More education among the women means
the more progress of the society.
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