Physics True and False 2nd year 2010
2nd Year Physics Notes
Physics True and False 2nd year 2010
Five Year Papers
1. The pressure and volume formula of a gas undergoing an Adiabatic change is PV = constant.
2. The graph of pressure and volume of a certain mass of a gas at constant temperature is a hyperbola.
3. A free electron in an electric field moves from the higher potential to the lower potential.
4. Under no condition can be heat be transferred from a body at a low temperature to one at a higher temperature.
5. Two current-bearing conductors carrying currents in the opposite direction attract each other.
6. Lenz’s law may also be described as the Law of Conservation of Energy.
7. If the frequency of radiation is increased, the stopping potential also increased.
8. The unit of specific heat capacity is m2/s2c2.
9. One kilogram of hydrogen contains more atoms than one kilogram of lead.
10. If the temperature of the source is increased, the efficiency of a Carnot engine decreases.
11. At the boiling point, the heat added to a substance increases its temperature.
12. If an a-particle is moving parallel to a magnetic field of
induction, it will experience a force in the direction of the field.
13. The Wheat Stone Bridge is balanced when the current is passing through the galvanometer.
14. The first law of thermodynamics is an expression of the law of conservation of energy.
15. The boiling point of oure water at standard pressure is 273°K.
16. The voltage loss inside a cell because of its internal resistance is independent f the current drawn from it.
17. When a current passes through a loosely would coil, the adjacent loops of the coil attract one another.
18. Graph between V and 1/P at constant temperature is a hyperbola.
19. When current flows through a wire, electric field must exist in wire.
20. The process of conversion of alternating current into direct current is called amplification.
21. A black body is a perfect absorber of radiation.
22. Energy of photons depends upon the intensity of light.
23. The binding energy of the nucleus is the energy released during fission reaction.
24. Maxwell derived mathematically that the velocity of the electromagnetic wave is v =.
25. The resistance of a conductor at absolute zero is infinite.
26. Molar specific heat of a gas at constant volume is always greater than that at constant pressure.
27. When current is passed in two parallel wires in opposite directions they repel each other.

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