Support and Movement

Support and Movement

2nd Year Biology Notes

Support and Movement


The ability of an living organism to produce response against any stimula are called Irritability it is also called Sensitivity.


Living organism shown the responses towards stimuli are called Movement.

Support in Plant

Plants require proper strength and support it is necessary to maintain
their shape, increase in size and keep them straight and strong. The
support maintains balance. In plant body support is provided by two

* Turgidity in soft parts of plants

* Mechanical tissues

Support Through Turgor Pressure

The living cell of epidemics, cortex and pith take in water by osmosis.
Thus an Internal hydrostatic pressure called "Turgor Pressure", which
keeps them rigid and resistant to bending. If they loose turgidity stem
wilts. The turgor pressure is extremely important to maintain the
turgidity in plants.

Support Through Supporting Tissue

In plants there are certain tissue called Mechanical tissues. These tissue provide strength to the plant body.

1. Parenchyma

2. Collenchyma

3. Sclerenchyma

1. Parenchyma


* Parenchyma is a simple tissue. It is composed of thin walled spherical, oval or elongated cells.

* They are with or without Intercellular spaces.

* They are living cell.


They are found in cortex, pith and epidemics, mesophyll region of leaves.


Their function is synthesis of food and storage of food. They may serve
as a supporting tissue in soft plant due to internal turgor pressure.

2. Collenchyma


* Collencym is a simple permanent tissue. It is composed of rounded, oval or polygonal cells.

* They are living cells with protoplasm.

* Intra cellular spaces are absent and these cells thickened at the corners due to deposition of cellulose and protopectin.


These tissues are found in the dicot stem below the epidermis.


Collenchyma cell provide support to young herbaceous part of the plant. It elongate with the grow stem and leaves.

3. Sclerenchyma


* Sclerenchyma is a simple permanent tissue. It is composed of long, narrow thick walled cell.

* They have no intracellular spaces.

* They are dead cell without protoplasm.

* A thick materials is deposit along the wall of cell called pectin and lignin.


Sclerenchyma tissues are found in xylem which are vascular tissue.


They provide strength and Mechanical support to the plant parts.

Types of Sclerenchyma

There are two type of sclerenchyma

1. Fibers

2. Sclerides

1. Fibers

The sclerenchyma elongated cell with tapered ends. They are tough and strong but flexible Fibers.

2. Sclerides

The variable often irregular in shape sclerenchyma are called sclereids.
Simple unbranched sclerids are generally called stone cell.

Secondary Growth

An increase in plant girth due to the activity of cambium ring is called secondary growth.

Secondary Tissue

Tissues which are formed by the activity of cambium ring are called secondary tissue.

Significance of Secondary Tissue

Cambium Ring

The ring of activity dividing cells responsible for lateral growth in plant are called cambium ring.

Secondary growth occurs due to cell division in cambium ring. There are two type

i. Vascular Cambium Ring

The cambium present between xylem and phloem is called Vascular Cambium
Ring. The cell within the vascular bundles are called fusiform initials.

Vascular cambium gives rise to two new tissues.

* Secondary Xylem (Toward the inside)

* Secondary Phloem (Toward the outside)

Growth Rings

The secondary Xylem causes most of the increase in stem thickness. Over
the year a woody stem get thicker and thicker as it vascular cambium
produce layer upon payer of secondary Xylem. These layers are visible as

Sap Wood and Heart Wood

The outer region of secondary wood is of lighter color and take part in
the conduction of water from root to leaf are called Sap Wood.

The inner region of secondary wood is dark brown in color and do not take part in the conduction of water are called Heart Wood.

In most plant heart wood accumulate a variety of chemical such as
resins, oil, gum and tannins. Which provide a resistant to decay and
insect attack.

ii. Cork Cambium Ring

The cambium ring present in cortex region and increase the diameter of stem are called cork cambium ring.

Cork cambium cell divide and form new cells on both side.

* Cork / Phellem ------> Outerside

* Secondary Cortex ------> Inner Side

Cork / Phellum

Cork is formed on the outer side by the cork cambium. Which is an
insulating layer prevent transpiration. Cork cell are dead and thick

Secondary Cortex

It is formed on the inner side by cork cambium. It is consist of few layers of parenchymatous cells. They contain chloroplast.


Epidemics, lenticels and cork collectively called bark which is the outer part of stem.


Another important function of the cambium is to form callus or wood
tissue on over the wound. The tissue are rapidly formed below the damage
surface of stem and root.

Movement in Plant


Any action taken by living organs to reduce its irritability produce by stimuli are called Movement.

Type of Movement

There are two type of movement in plant.

1. Autonomic Movement

2. Paratonic Movement

1. Autonomic Movement

Movement which occurs due to internal stimuli factor inherent inside the
plant body itself are called Autonomic or spontaneous movement.

Types of Autonomic Movement

There are three type of autonomic movement.

i. Locomotory Movement

ii. Growth Curvature Movement

iii. Turgor Movement

i. Locomotory Movement

Movement of whole plant body or an organ or material within plant cell
from one place to another due to internal stimuli is called movement of


* The streaming movement of cytoplasm (Cyclosis).

* Movement of chromosome during cell division.

ii. Growth Curvature Movement

Change in the form and shape of plants or plant organs due to the
differences in the ratio of growth of different parts are called growth
and curvature movement.

Types of Growth Curvature

There are two type of growth movement.

* Nutation

* Nastic


The growth tip of young stem moves in zigzag manner due to alternate
changes in growth on opposite side of the apex. This type of growth is
called nutation.


Movement of climber around any rope as found in railway crupper.


When the process of growth occurs in different manner in the parts of a
plant and slow in other part it is called Nastic Movement.

There are two type of Nastic movement

* Epinastic

* Hyponastic


When faster growth occurs on the upper side of the organ is known as epinastic.


When faster growth occurs on the lower side of the organ is known as hyponastic.

iii. Turgo Movement

Movement occur due to change in the turgidity and size of cells as a result of loose or gain of water called Turgo Movement.


* Movement of leaves of touch me not.

2. Paratonic Movement

The movement occurs due to external stimuli are called paratonic or Induce Movement.

Type of Paratonic Movement

There are two type of paratonic movement.

i. Nastic Movement

ii. Tropic Movement

i. Nastic Movement

The non directional movement of parts of plant in response to external stimuli are called Nastic Movement.

Usually this movement occur in leaves or petals of flower.

Type of Nastic Movement

There are two of nastic

i. Photonastic

ii. Haptonastic

i. Photonastic

The nastic movement occurs due to light are called photonastic.


The flower open and close due to light intensity.

ii. Haptonastic

The nastic movement occurs due to the touch of any living organism are called Haptonastic.

ii. Tropic Movement

Tropic ------> Tropos mean "to turn"

The movement in response of growth of whole organ toward and away from
stimuli are called tropic movement. It is also known as directional

Type of Nastic Movement

The main type of tropic movement are as follow

* Phototropism

* Geotropism

* Chemotropism

* Hydrotropism

* Thigmotropism


Photo ------> Light Tropos ------> turn

The movement of part of plant in response to stimulus of light are called phototropism.


* Positive phototropism in stem

* Negative phototropism in root


Geo ------> earth Tropos ------ turn

The movement of part of plant in response to force of gravity are called Geotropism.


Root display positive Geotropism and shoots negative geotropism.


Chemo ------> Chemical Tropos ------> turn

The movement in response to some chemicals is called Chemotropism.


The hyphase of fungi show chemotropism.


Hydro ------> Water Tropism ------> turn

The movement of plant parts in response to stimulus of water is called hydrotropism.


The growth of root toward water is due to positive hydrotropism and shoots negative hydrotropism.


Thigmos ------> touch Tropos ------> turn

The movement of plant parts in response to stimulus of touch are called Thigmotropism.


The movement in climber



The tough hard and rigid framework of the body which gives particular shape and support to animal body are called Skeleton.

Human Skeleton

Endoskeleton present inside the human body. It consist of 206 bones. In man endoskeleton divide into two parts.

1. Axial Skeleton

2. Appendicular

1. Axial Skeleton

The skeleton composed of skull, sternum, ribs and vertebral column are called Axial Skeleton.

i. Skull

The skull is made up of cranium and facial bones.


The part of the skull consist of eight bones and form a box like structure which protect the brain are called Cranium.

(Facial Bones)

The other bones of skull form face are called facial bones. There are 14
facial bones such as check bones, upper jaws and lower jaws single bone
called dentary.

ii. Ribs Cage

Ribs are semicircular bones attached on their dorsal side with the vertebrae and on their ventral side with sternum.

Rib Cage is composed of 12 pairs of ribs. The lower two pairs of ribs
are called floating ribs because they do not attached with the sternum.


The rib cage enclosed the chest cavity and protects heart and lungs.

iii. Sternum

The narrow rod shaped bones present in ventral wall of thorax are called sternum. It is also known as breast bone.

iv. Vertebral Column

A hollow spine in which spinal cord protected extend from skull to pelvis are called V column.

(Bones of Vertebral Column)

The vertebral column consists of 33 bones called vertebrate but due to fusion 26 bones are formed.

2. Appendicular

The skeleton system consist of pectoral girdle and hind limbs and easy to move are called Appendicular skeleton.

Pectoral Girdle and Fore Limb

(Pectoral Girdle)

The girdle present in shoulder region and attach the arm to the trunk are called Pectoral Girdle.

(Parts of Pectoral Girdle)

Pectoral girdle consist of two parts.

1. Scapula ------> board part

2. Clavicle ------> Collar bone which connects scapula with sternum.

For Limb consist of

* Humerus (1)

* Radius (1)

* Ulna (1)

* Carpals (8)

* Meta Carpals (5)

* Phalanges (14)

Arrangement of Bones in Fore Limb

Arm: Humerus forms ball and socker joint with scapular while at distal end humerus forms hinge joint with radius and ulna.

Wrist: The radius and ulna at their distal end from multistage with eight wrist bones called Carpals.

Hand: Five metacarpals from the frame work of palm of the hand.

Digits: Five rows of the phalonges in fingers are attached to the meta carpals. They support the finger.

Pelvic Girdle and Hind Limb

Pelvic Girdle

The girdle present in lower region (hip region) and attached the hind
limbs (legs) to the vertebral column are called Pelvic gridle.

Structure of Pelvic Girdle

Each pelvic girdle consist of large bone called Innominate. It is formed
by the fusion of three bones called Illium, Ischium and Pubis.

Hind Limbs

The hind limbs consist of

* Femur (1)

* Tibia (1)

* Fibula (1) + Patella (1)

* Tarsals (8)

* Meta tarsals (5)

* Phalanges (14)

Arrangement of Bones in Fore Limb

Thigh: Femur is the largest bones of the body which forms a ball and socket joint with the Pelvic girdle.

Knee and Calf: At the distal end the femur from knee joint with the proximal end of two parallel bones called tibia and fibula.

Ankle: The distal end of the tibia and fibula form a joint with eight
tarsals, which are also attached with five meta tarsal bones of foot.

Digits: Five rows of the fourteen phalonges of the toes are attached with meta tarsals.


Types of Skeleton

There are three main types of skeleton in animals.

1. Hydrostatic Skeleton

2. Exoskeleton

3. Endo Skeleton

1. Hydrostatic Skeleton

A fluid filled gastro vascular cavity or coelom act like a skeleton are called hydrostatic skeleton.


Hydrostatic skeleton provides support and resistance to the contraction of muscle so motility results.


Hydrostatic skeleton found in annelids and other soft bodies invertebrate.

Mechanism of Working

The fluid filled body cavity of in these animals is surrounding by layer of two types of muscles.

  • Circular Muscles

  • Longitudinal Muscles

When circular muscles contract and pressure comes on body fluid by this process the body become elongated and hard.

When the longitudinal muscles contract the body becomes short and thick
due to the lengthen and shorten body move easily in the soil.

2. Exoskeleton

The hard non living external covering that is secreted by the outer epidermal layer of animals are called exoskeleton.


The skeleton present outside the body are called Exoskeleton.

Composition of Exoskeleton

Exoskeleton are made up of different materials.

1. Silica

The exoskeleton of single celled diatoms made up of silica.

2. Calcium Carbonate

The exoskeleton of mollusks made up of lime (Caco3)

3. Cuticle

The exoskeleton of arthropods made up of hard, non living substance
called chitin. It is the complex of protein and carbohydrates. This
exoskeleton is dividing by soft flexible joints.


  • It provides a surface to which internal muscle can be attached.

  • It provides the protection and support to the body.

  • It is not help in locomotion but in arthropod. It helps in movement due to joint.

Disadvantages of Exoskeleton

1. Due to exoskeleton the size of arthropods is short.

2. Growth is also limited because the exoskeleton is non living and non growing.

3. Moulting or ecdysis: When the size of animal increase the
exoskeleton become short and it is separated from the body. It is
replaced by a new skeleton this process are called moulting.

3. Endoskeleton

The skeleton present inside the body and made up of rigid living
connecting tissue bones and cartilages are called endoskeleton.

Functions of Skeleton

1. Support and Shape

It provides supporting frame work of the body, it gives the body a particular shape.

2. Protection

Bones protect critical internal organs, such as brain spinal cord, heart, lungs and reproductive organs.

3. Movement

Skeletal muscles attached to the bones help move the body.

4. Mineral Homeostasis

Bones serve as depository for calcium, phosphorus, sodium and
potassium. Bones can release or take up minerals through negative feed
back mechanisms to maintain the homeostasis.

5. Blood Cell Production

Red and white blood cells are produced in bone narrow.

Bones and Cartilages

In vertebrate animals the endoskeleton contains two types of connective tissues.

1. Bones

2. Cartilage

1. Bones

Bones is the most rigid form of connective tissue.

Structure of Bones

Cell of bones are called Osteocytes. They secrete a gel like matrix
around them. It contains a network of collagen fibres but unlike
cartilages it is hardened by the deposition of Osteoblasts and crystals
of calcium phosphate. This process called Ossification or
Calcification, takes place in the presence of vitamin D.

2. Cartilage

Cartilage is the softer and flexible form of connective tissue.

Structure of Cartilage

The living cells of cartilage are called chondrocytes. These cells
secrete flexible, elastic, non-living matrix. It consists of protein
and polysaccharides. The main protein in the matrix is collagen whose
fibres run in all directions and surrounds the chondrocytes. No blood
vessels penetrate into this cartilage.


It covers ends of the bone at the joint and also supports the flexible portion of nose, external ears and larynx.


The point at which two or more bones connect each other are called Joint. The help in motality of skeleton.

Types of Joint on the Basis of Movement

Joints are classified on the basis of the amount of movement allowed by them, into three categories.

i. Immovable Joints

ii. Slightly Moveable Joints

iii. Freely Moveable

i. Immovable Joints

The joints fit together tightly like the pieces to a puzzle. These
joints are called immoveable joints or fixed joints because they don't
allow the joining bones to move.


Example of fixed joint are the joints of skull in the term of case to protect the brain.

ii. Partially Moveable Joints

The joints which allow a little government is called partially moveable joints or slightly moveable joints.


Example of partially moveable joint is the attachment of ribs with
vertebrate. These joints permit out ribs to moves ups and down while we

iii. Freely Moveable Joints

The joints which allow the movement in several directions is called freely moveable joints.

Types of Freely Moveable Joint

Freely moveable joint that are present in human skeleton system are

i. Ball and Socket Joint

ii. Hing Joint

iii. Pivot Joint

iv. Sliding Joint

v. Gliding Joint

i. Ball and Socket Joint

The joint which allow the movement in all directions even in a circle is called ball and socket joint.

In this joint ball like head of the long bone of leg and upper are fit into a cup like socket of girdle.


Joint of hibs and shoulder

ii. Hing Joint

The joints that allow the movement in two directions such as show the back and forth movement is called hing joint.


Joint of fingers, elbow and knee.

iii. Pivot Joint

The joints which allow a twisting movement as well as side way movement is called pivot joint.


Joints of elbow and skull connected to the spine are the examples of pivot joint.

iv. Sliding Joint

The joints which allow the bones to slides over one another and show the movement in many directions are called sliding joint.


Joints of wrist and ankle.

v. Gliding Joints

The joints in which bones moves easily over one another in a back and forth manner is called gliding joints.


Joints of vertebral column that makes the back bone flexible are the example of gliding joint.

Structure of Hing and Ball and Socket Joint

  • At moveable joints the joining bones are held in place by
    strong straps of connective tissues called Ligaments. Ligaments connect
    the bones to each other and don't allow the bones to slip and dislocate
    at a joint. As ligaments stretch they allow the joints to move.

  • Highly moveable joints also need lubrication and
    cushioning to prevent the adjoining bones crushing with each other.
    This is the function of Synovial Cavities prevent around fluid the
    reduces the friction and keeps the joint moving freely.

  • In addition cartilage pads at the end of bones act as shock absorber and present bones from grinding together.

Deformities Skeleton

Human skeleton support and upright body. Sometimes in skeleton
certain disorders are developed which weak a skeleton system are termed
as Deformities of skeleton.

Causes of Deformities

The causes of deformities are

1. Genetic Disorder

2. Hormonal Disorder

3. Nutritional or Malnutrition

4. Physical Trauma

1. Genetic Disorder

i. Cleft Palate

It is a genetic disorder in which cleft present in the palate which
interferes with sucking. It can lead to inhalation of food into the
lungs causing aspiration pneumonia.

ii. Microcephaly

It is genetic disorder in which the skull becomes small sized.

iii. Arithritis

Arthritis is the inflammatory or degenerative disease that damage the
joints. Osteo arthritis is the most chronic arthritis which is a
degenerative joint disease also caused by genetic defect.

2. Hormonal Disorder

The skeleton deformities of the bones caused by hormonal deficiency.

i. Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis mostly occurs in aged women, which is related to decrease the level of estrogen hormone.


In osteoporosis, the bones become porous, thin and weak and consequently easily breakable.

3. Nutritional Or Malnutrition

The skeleton deformities occur in the bones due to nutritional deficiency.

Some of the nutritional disorders are

i. Osteomalacia

Osteomalacia is the softening of bones in which the bones receive in
adequate minerals and patient feels pain when weight is put on affected
bones. In this disease calcium salts are not deposited and hence bones
soften and weaken weight bearing bones of legs and pelvis, bend and

ii. Rickets

Rickets in children results in bowed legs and deformed pelvis. It is
caused by deficiency of calcium in diet or vitamin D deficiency. It
treated by vitamin D fortified milk and exposing sink to sunlight to
cure disorder.

4. Physical Trauma

Certain diseases caused by physical trauma are as follows

i. Disc slip

ii. Spondylosis

iii. Arthritis

iv. Sciatica

i. Disc Slip

The backbone of body consists of many vertebrate. Between these vertebrate special cartilage pad are present called Disc.


The discs act as shock absorber during walking, jumping, running and lesser extend to the bend laterlly.


If due to physical trauma, the cartilaginous ring of disc ruptures and displaces it is called Disc Slip.


  • Protrution presses spinal nerve and cause sever pain.

  • Unability to move.


  • As a result of disc slip the person should use hard bed and should take rest for long time.

  • Pain killer medicine should be used.

ii. Spondylosis

Spondylosis is deformity of joints of two vertebrate particularly of
neck region when the space between two vertebrate becomes narrow.


Due to spondylosis the nerves of spinal cord are pressed. It causes pain in neck shoulder and upper parts of arm.


  • In this condition a hard collar is used around neck.

  • Pain killer are used.

iii. Arthritis

Arthritis is inflammatory or degeneration disease that damage joints.


It may be due to

  • Hereditary

  • Viral Infection

  • Injury

  • Old age


  • It results in pain, stiffness, swelling of the joint.

  • Smooth and flexible cartilage between the bones of a
    joint is denatured by the deposits of calcium, which makes the
    cartilages hard.


  • Knee joint and hip joint can be replaced by artificial rubber or plastic joint.

  • Sometimes it is treated by medicines and physiotherapy.

iv. Sciatica

Sciatica is a nerve pain of hind limbs which occur when nerve of sciatic plexus is being pressed.


It may be due to

  • Injury

  • Disc Slip

  • Improper administration of injection in the iliac vein.


  • It makes the leg highly painful and virtually immovable.


The treatment of sciatica is very slow and prolonged. There is no permanent treatment of this disorder.

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Muscular System

Muscle made up to muscular tissue. A muscular tissue is a group of
specialized cells contain numerous filament of protein and perform a
unique functions to generates a pulling force.

There are more than 600 muscles in a human body and almost half of body weight is due muscles.

Types of Muscles

The vertebrate possess three kinds of muscles

1. Skeleton Muscles

2. Smooth Muscles

3. Cardiac Muscles

1. Skeleton Muscles

The muscles that are attached with the skeleton and associated with the movement of bones are called Skeleton Muscles.


  • Skeleton muscles are voluntary in function.

  • They can contract strongly and rapidly but fatigue quickly.

  • Skeleton muscle are striated muscles because they show alternate dark and light band.

  • They are under the control of somatic nervous system.

Muscles are attached to the bones by special structure called tendon.


With the help of skeleton muscles all the body parts can move.

2. Smooth Muscles

The simplest type of muscles which form all the internal hollow
body's organs and it found in throughout animal kingdom, called smooth


Smooth muscles are structurally very simple muscles. They are spindle
shapes uni-nucleated cells. They are arranged in a sheet around the
hollow organs of the body.


  • These are unstriated muscles.

  • They are involuntary in function i.e. their movement is
    not in our control but they are controlled by hormones and autonomic
    nervous system.

  • They contract more slowly than skeleton muscles but it can prolonged for a long period of time.


These muscles are found in the blood vessels, digestive tract and many other organs.


  • Smooth muscles push the food to the digestive track.

  • They empty the urinary bladder.

  • They control the diameter of the blood vessels.

  • They also control the diameter of the pupit of eye.

3. Cardiac Muscles

The muscles which are present only inside the wall of heart are called Cardiac Muscles.


  • These are striated muscles.

  • They are involuntary in function and fatigueless.

  • They contract and relax continuously in a rhythmic pattern. This rhythmic contraction called heart beat.

  • Cardiac muscles have more mitochondria to continuous supply of energy to the tissues of heart.

  • Cardiac muscles regulate by the sino atrial node (SAN) or pace maker.

Heart is quite independent of nervous system for its contraction and heart beat is generated by the cardiac muscles itself.


They are uninucleated or binucleated and branched to create a meshwork
of contractile tissue hence their fibres can not be separated like that
of a skeletal muscle.


The function of cardiac muscle is pump the blood.


Structure of Skeleton Muscles

Muscle Fibre

Each skeleton muscle is actually a bundle of long and parallel
closely packed thread like multinucleated cells called the muscle


Skeleton muscle fibres are huge cells. Their diameters is 10 to 100 mm.

Structure o Muscle Fibre

Each muscle fibre is bounded by thin elastic membrane called
Sarcolemma. Similar to plasma membrane. Inside the sarcolemma, there is a
semifluid called Sarcoplasm.


Each muscle fibre contain a large number of many individual, ultra
microscopic contractile fine thread like structure called Myofibril.

The diameter of myofibril is 1-2 mm that run in parallel fashion and extend entire length of the cell.


The myofibrils consist of smaller contractile units called Sarcomere.

Structure of Sarcomere

In each sarcomere a series of dark and light band are evident along the length of each myofibril.


The myofibril contains myofilaments or mocrofilaments. Microfilament is made up of two types of filament.

i. Thick Filament

ii. Thin Filament

i. Thick Filament

The central thick filaments extend the entire length of the A-band. The
thick filament which is about 16mm in diameter is composed of myosin.

Structure of Myosin

Each myosin molecule has tail terminating in two globular heads. Myosin
tail consists of two long polypeptide chain coiled together. The heads
are sometimes called cross bridge because they link the thick and thin
myofilaments together during contraction.

ii. Thin Filament

The thin filaments extend across. The I-band and pathway into A-band.
Thin filaments are 7-8 mm thick and composed of chiefly actin molecule.

Structure of Actin

The actin molecules are arranged in two chains which twist around each
other like twisted double strand of pcarls. Twisting around the actin
chains are two strands of another protein tropomyosin. The other major
protein in thin filament is troponin. It is actually three polypeptide
complex. One bind to actin, another binds to tropomyosin while third
binds calcium ions.


The area which appear light and contain only thin filament is called I-Band.


The area which appear bright and contain only thick filament is called H-Band.


The area of sarcomere which appear dark and contain both thick and thin filament is called A-Band

Mechanism of Contraction of Skeleton Muscles

There are two theories which explain the mechanism of contraction of skeleton muscles.

1. Sliding Filament Theory

2. Cross Bridge Theory

1. Sliding Filament Theory


H.Huxley and A.F. Huxley and their colleagues suggested a hypothesis in
1954 to explain all even in muscle contraction this is called Sliding
Filament Theory.


According to this theory

The thin and thick filament of a muscle fibre move together by
sliding over each other. This is like sliding the fingers of our hand
between fingers of the other hand. The sliding of the filaments is the
reason that the muscle gets shorter and thicker.

2. Cross Bridge Theory


When the bulbous heads end of the myosin filament discovered so the
another theory explain the mechanism of contraction of muscle which
show physical contact are called Cross Bridge Theory.


According to this theory

The bulbarious head of thick filament myosin become attached to
binding sites on the actin filament. The cross bridge are formed then
contract to pull the actin filament towards center of sarcomere and the
muscles become contract.

Motor Unit

A set of all the muscle fibres innervated by the branched of the
single neuron and a single muscle fibre is made up of many motors units.

Controls of Muscle Contraction

The contraction of a muscle depends upon three factors.

1. Nerve Impulse

2. Energy

3. Calcium Ions

1. Nerve Impulses

Nerve impulse cause muscle contraction. The nerve impulses (nerve
message) are recieved from brain and spinal cord through motor nerves.
The muscles entirely depend upon these nerve impulses. When these
impulses do not reach to the muscles, they become fatigue. They loss
stimulation and contraction stops gradually.

2. Energy

Muscles also need energy for contraction. Energy required for muscle
contraction comes from food. The energy from food is stored in muscles
in the form of glycogen. It is transformed from glycogen to creative
phosphate and finally to ATP where it is stored and is readily
available for use of muscle.

3. Calcium Ions

Calcium ions play very important role in the initiation of muscle fibre contraction. It is stored in sarcoplasmic reticulum.

  • When the nerve impulse reaches the acetyl choline is released.

  • Due to acetyl choline great number of calcium ions released from Sarcoplasmic reticulum.

  • The calcium ions bind to troponin molecule and exposed the active site of actin molecule.

  • The cross bridge is formed between actin and myosin and the muscles become contracted.

  • After contraction has occurred the impulse stops, calcium
    ions back into sarcoplasmic reticulum and the muscles fibres relaxed


Muscle fatigue is a state of physiological unability to contract.


When the muscles become functionless it is called Fatigue.


ATP Deficit

Muscle fatigue results from relative deficit of ATP, not its total absence.

Lactic Acid Accumulation

Excess accumulation of lactic acid due to the breakdown of glucose in
absence of O2 and ionic imbalances also causes muscle pH to drop and
the muscle to ache hence causes extreme fatigue.


When the heavy exercise stops and continues the supply the excess
oxygen to the fatigued tissues, which now break lactic acid into water
and carbon dioxide. Lactic acid is converted the fatigued condition of
the muscle is over. The amount of oxygen needed to remove lactic from
the tired muscle is called Oxygen Dept.

Abnormal Muscle Contraction

There are two common abnormal muscle contractions

1. Tetany

2. Cramps

1. Tetany

Tetany is a sudden involuntary contraction of striated muscle.


Tetany is caused by the low level of calcium in the blood.


It excites neurons which influence the muscles contract before gaining
the normal position of actin and myosin filaments, therefore it is
called abnormal function. In tetany there is continue contraction of
muscle fibres. Due to this continue contraction the Ca++ ions cannot be
separated from the sarcoplasm of muscles and continue contraction
becomes very rapid, so it is known as Tetany. If tetany occurs in
respiratory organs, they may become functionless.

2. Cramps

It is also known as titanic contraction of entire muscle. It lasts
for just few seconds or several hours, causing the muscles to become
taut and painful. It is most common in thigh and hip muscles, it
usually occurs at night or after exercise.


The main causes for cramps are as follows

  • Sugar level in blood is reduced

  • Sometimes dehydration occurs in the body.

  • Electrolytes (ions) are not in balance state.

  • Extra exercise is also harmful and causes cramps.


Simultaneous squeezing and stretching the cramped muscle may help.

Antagonisitic Muscles

The muscles work in pairs with one muscle working against the other are called Antagonisitic Muscles.

Types of Antagonisitic Muscles

On the basis of their function and affect they produce the muscles are of following type.

1. Protractor and Retractor

Protractor Muscle: These muscle pull the lower part of limb in forward direction.

Retractor Muscle: These muscle pull the limb in backward direction.

2. Abductor and Adductor

Abductor Muscle: These muscle pull the limb away from the body.

Adductor Muscle: These muscle pull the limb towards the body.

3. Flexor and Extensor

Flexor Muscle: They close the joint.

Extensor Muscle: These muscle open the joint.

Locomation in Protozoa

Protozoans are the unicellular animals. Then locomotion is carried out
by single called structures. These are of three types Pseudopodia,
cilia and flagella. These structures arise from the body surface and may
also help to capture the food.

1. Locomotion in Amoeba

Organs of Locomotion

Locomotion in Amoeba is called amoeboid movement. Amoeboid movement takes place by means of Pseudopodia.

Method of Locomotion

The pseudopodia are finger like projections in the direction of
movement. After the formation of pseudopodia the Amoeba attaches with
the substratum and pull the body in the forward direction.

The exact mechanism of pseudopodia formation is still not known.

2. Locomotion in Euglena

Organs o Locomotion

Euglena moves with the help of flagellum.

Methods of Locomotion

As the flagellum is whipped backward the organism moves forward.
However, when flagellum moves forward the Euglena does not move
backward. Flagellum is at is anterior end of the body and pulls the
organism forward. Wave of activity generated by itself and they pass in
spiral fashion from its base in spiral fashion from its base to its

Euglena increases amplitude and velocity. The activity of the flagellum
caused the body of Euglena to rotate forward abouts its axis.

Euglenoid Movement

In this mode of locomotion, a wave of contraction and expansion passes
from the anterior to posterior in entire body. The contraction and
expansion is brought by the contraction of protoplasm. The body becomes
shorter and wider first at the anterior, then in the middle and
finally at posterior.

3. Locomotion in Paramecium

Organs of Locomotion

Paramecium moves with the help of Cilia. The movement by cilia is called Ciliary movement.

Structure of Cilia

Cilia are short fine thread-like extensions of the cell membrane.

Method of Locomotion

The locomotion in paramecium take place by the beating of these cilia. The beating action occurs in two strokes.

Effective Strokes

During effective stroke the cilia become rigid and bent backward but obliquely propel the animal forward.

Recovery Strokes

During recovery stroke the cilia become softer and returns to it original position.

As a result of effective and recovery stroke paramecium swims against water. The body move forwards.

4. Locomotion in Animals

1. Locomotion in Jelly Fish

Jelly fish has umbrella like body which floats on the surface of water
at the mercy of waves. However it can swim slowly by muscular


In jelly fish the water enters in the umbrella like body (Bell). Then
the muscle of the body contract and water is forced out in a jet, as a
result animal movement is known as "Jet Propulsion". The jelly fish
moves in jerks in the direction opposite to the expelled water.

2. Locomotion in Snail

Organs of Locomotion

Snail crawl or move very slowly by "foot".


The foot of snail produces a wave of muscular contraction on its under
side. This wave is from front to rear and animal is pushed forward. The
movement is lubricated by slime which is poured on land immediately
from glands below the mouth.

3. Locomotion in Star Fish

Organs of Locomotion

Starfish moves with the help of tube feet. The tube feet are present on
both sides of radial canal that extends up to the tip of arm.

Structure of Tube Feet

The tube feet are hollow muscular and are like rubber bulb of the medicine dropper. The tube feet consist of three parts.

  • Ampula

  • Podia

  • Sucker


In starfish locomotion is controlled by a special water vascular
system. Water is drawn into the body through a small opening and is
passed through a ring canal to large number of hollow muscular tube
feet. The tube feet extend when water is pumped into them then they fix
themselves by suction cup (sucker) with some object. When sucker muscle
contract the water is pushed back into the ampullae, making the tube
feet flaccid losing the grip and the starfish is pulled forwards.

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