True and False - Zoology
2nd Year Biology Notes
True and False -
1. Bat is a flying bird.
2. Hydra is diploblastic animal.
3. Archaepteryx is a fossil bird.
4. Prototheria are egg-laying mammals.
5. Human heart is four-chambered.
6. Fishes respire through skin.
7. Intracellular digestion occurs between the cells.
8. Frog is a carnivorous animal.
9. Typhlosol is a dorsal absorptive ridge.
10. Water vascular system is present only in Echinodermata.
11. Melatonin is secreted by cretins.
12. The heart of the crocodile consists of three chambers.
13. The accumulation of nerves and sensory organs in the head is known as Caphalization.
14. The Prototherians are pouched mammals.
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15. Ammocoete is the larva of lamprey.
16. The spicules form the skeleton in sponges.
17. Plasmodium is an Endo-parasite.
18. Jelly-fish belongs to the class pieces.
19. Trypsin digests fats.
20. Pathology is the study of diseases.
21. Whale is a fish.
22. Planaria belongs to the phylum Oplatyhelminthes.
23. Neuron is the unit of the nervous system.
24. Throid gland secretes thyrotopins bormone.
25. Ascaris is found as a parasite in the intestine of man.
26. Amnion is the protective membrane of the embryo of frog.
27. Trypanosome is an external parasite.
28. Arteries carry the blood away from the heart.
29. Nephridia are respiratory organs.
30. Flagella are the organs of locomotion.
31. The inner ear is responsible for maintaing the balance of the body.
32. The cross section of the spinal cord shows the gray matter lying on the outside.
33. Pathology is the study of disease.
34. Gastrozooids are reproductive Zooids of the colony.
35. Amphioxus belongs to sub-phylum vertebrate.
36. Retina contains rods and cones.
37. Larynx is a part of the Digestive system.
38. Molluscus secrete shells of various types.
39. Mammals are Warm-blooded animals.
40. Intracellular digestion takes place between the cells.
41. Kiwi is a flying bird.
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