An Essay on Man - Question Answers

English 2nd Year Notes

Q1. Ignorance of the future is blessings of God discuss examples from the poem “Lines from An Essay on Man”.

Ans. Alexander Pope in his poem “An Essay on Man” elaborates this point that God has. Kept the future hidden from all living beings. Only present in known to us. But this is not equal. Human beings know more than animals but less than angels.
i. If man had knowledge about the feature, he would not have suffered willingly in this world.
ii. A lamb licks the hands of killer because of ignorance about the feature. In fact uncertainly about future is a great blessing of God. If man aspires to rise, he must be humble and fearful.

Q2. Express briefly Pope’s ideas on “Future and Hope”.
How do the lines from “An Essay on Man” justify Pop’s opinion that ignorance of the future and hope are two great blessings?

Ans. The poem lines from “An Essay on Man” composed by Alexander Pope. According to this poem ignorance of future is a great blessing from God. If man aspires to rise, he must be humble and fearful. He must pray to God and serve humanity. He must adopt optimistic attitude towards life. Man always thinks of future and hope to be blessed by God, It is rightly said that hope is the best amour against faith.

Q3. What advice does the poet give to human beings?

Ans. The poet sincerely advises human being to show humility and never to be proud of any thing they posses. They should humbly hope for the favor and mercy of God and wait for death, a great teacher and guide. It is death that takes a man back to the eternal world of spirit.

Q4. Describe the moral of the poem “Lines from An Essay on Man”.

Ans. Hope is great blessing granted by God. Hope encourages and inspires a man to carry on struggle and quest for eternal peace.( Man is never satisfied with his present position. He always hopes and strives to be in a better position, in future. Human soul too, is restless in this world. It is far from its real and original home, the paradise. It hopes to enjoy in future, freedom eternal peace and happiness. All this depends human conduct in this world as eternal in the next world is the reward of good deeds in this mortal world,

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