Black Michael Character Sketch

English 2nd Year Notes

Black Michael, the representative of devil, ES the villain of "The Prisoner of Zenda", written by Anthony Hope. He is the stepbrother of King Rudolf Elphberg. He is not the legal heir to the throne because he is the son of the King’s second and morganatic marriage. Black Michael is the owner of the Castel of Zenda and the surrounding estate. Being the favorite of the late King of Ruritania, he was appointed as the Duck of Strelsau. He is a schemer and evil by nature.

An Ambitious Man of Vivacious Nature:
Black Michael is a man of evil and scornful nature. Being extremely selfish, cunning and ambitious, he is sincere to none but only to his mean motives. He is dissatisfied with his present status and dreams of something above his entitlement. He is so ambitious that he is inclined to kill his half brother, the King. He stoops to meanness and sheer brutality to transform his devilish dream into stark realties. As Johann says about him:
"He is an evil master who is greatly feared"

A Traitor:
Michael is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. He wants to capture the throne of Ruritania and for this act of treason and disloyalty he gets the King kidnapped from the shooting lodge and imprisons him in the castle of Zenda. He sends drugged wine and makes the king senseless. He does so just before the coronation ceremony in order to usurp the throne. For such act of betrayal Fritz calls Black Michael;
"That damned hound."

A Conspirator and intriguer:
"Intrigue is the main weapon of a villain and he uses it mercifully." (Bacon) Black Michael is by nature a schemer and all the time his mind remains busy in making plots for establishing his right to the throne. Even Lady Antoinette De Mauban finds herself entangled in his schemes.

Rudolf Rassendyll also mentions it in the course of the novel:
"I had begun to think that Black Michael was over fond of leaving the fighting to his friends; but now I acknowledged that the brains, if not the arms of the conspiracy, were his."

A Cruel and Merciless Person:
Michael is heartless fellow. He has a distorted view of things and is not able to differentiate between right and wrong. The King confides in him but he imprisons the King.( He makes several attempts to kill Rassendyll but fails. When Johann starts acting as an informer to Rassendyll, he lives in the dread of the moment when it would be found out by the Duke. He requests Rassendyll to shield him from the Duke’s vengeance.
"For if after he knows what I have done, I fall into his hands, I shall pray for one thing out of all the world .... A speedy death and that I shall not get from him."

Luck of Self Control:
Duke Black Michael has no control over his passions and desires. He is not one to be able to hide his feelings. His anger, anxiety and guilty feelings always appear on his face. In Rassendyll words:
"The man has many qualities but he could barely conceal his feelings."

A Deceiver in Love:
Black Michael deceives Antoinette De Mauban, a rich widow, by his attention. He gives her the promise of marriage but at the same time he tries to win Princess Flavia so that his .right to the throne becomes stronger and valid. Michael has no trace of grace in his character therefore; his sincerity in love is doubted right from the beginning of the story. As George Fatherly says expressing his apprehension:
"He won’t marry the fair Antoinette --- at least, no unless another plan comes to nothing."

A timid and Weak Person:
Michael is popular among the criminals and villains of Ruritania because he is their patron. They are determined to take Michael to the throne Ruritania in their own interest. In spite of this support and favor, Michael always behaves like a coward. He never dares to face his rival in person. He always sends his six villains "The hired guns" to deal with his enemies.

Humiliated for his Black Deeds:
Michael is not respected by his servants and even by his six ruffians because of his vice elements. A time comes when his closest ally Rupert Hentzau comes out in open rebellion against him. The bone of contention between them is no other than Lady Mauban.( This rivalry proves to be the death knell for Duke Michael who is "dragged down into the mire" and faces untold humiliation.
Rightly Punished for his Wickedness:
In the world, people like Black Michael are able to achieve only a partial success and the fate of Michael fully proves that deception and fraud can bring neither prosperity nor honour. He is consequently killed by Rupert and meets his fatal end because of his evil deeds.

Michael is killed by his own hireling as:
"And the first door they came was the door of Michael’s room; and Michael lay dead across the threshold, with a sword thrust through his breast."
That is how finally a devil is given his due. His death does not arouse the feelings of sympathy for him Infect; he is rightly punished for his wickedness.

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