English 2nd Year Notes
Q1. Briefly state the main reason given by Liaquat Ali Khan for the Muslim's desire not to continue living in a united India?
Ans. According to Liaquat Ali Khan the Muslims of Indo Pakistan Sub-Continent had vast experience and turned over the pages of history that if they were not given freedom and only Hindus were given freedom, then, it would be a change of rulers for them. After the British had left India, the Muslims would be ruled by Hindu majority. This was the main reason given by Liaquat Ali Khan for the Muslims desire not to continue living in a united India.
Q2. What main differences does Liaquat Ali Khan point out between Muslim and Hindu beliefs and attitudes?
Ans. Liaquat Ali Khan points out the following main differences between Muslims and Hindu beliefs,
a) The Muslims are monotheists i.e. they believe in only one God, whereas the Hindus are polytheists, i.e. they believe in many gods.
b) The Muslims believe in Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) and in Christ and the prophets of the Bible whereas the Hindus do not.
c) The Hindus believe in a caste system whereas the Muslims believe in the equality of all men.
d) The Muslim believes in the right of private ownership for everyone and have such laws of inheritance as prevent vast accumulation of wealth. The Hindus have no such laws.
e) Besides these main differences, the Muslims and the Hindus have different cultures and their social, political and economical outlooks are also very different. Hence, they could never live together.
Q3. What advantages does Liaquat Ali Khan show the Hindus to have gained from the creation of Pakistan?
Ans. It was necessary for the peace of the world that the British India should have been divided into two new states. The great advantage which the Hindus gained from the creation of Pakistan is that they have got a comparatively smaller and peaceful state instead of an uneasy and unwieldy state suffering from dissatisfaction and disorder in politics. They can now easily develop their culture on their own lilies.
Q4. On what grounds does Liaquat Ali Khan assert that the first duty of the Pakistanis as a free people is to themselves?
Ans. The first duty of the Pakistanis is to maintain their freedom as without this they would disgrace the fair name of free men and women all over the world. Secondly they must be vigilant. They should prove that they deserve this freedom.
Q5. What does Liaquat Ali Khan state the real meaning of freedom, for the common man to be?
Ans. Liaquat Ali Khan has discussed the real meaning of freedom at great length. He concludes it in a few words: 'Real freedom means when people are actually free from their basic needs, diseases and poverty." Otherwise, freedom from only foreign domination has no importance and benefit for the masses.
Q6. What is meant by a 'synthesis'?
Ans. The word 'synthesis' means act of combining separate ideas, beliefs, styles or things' It is an idea given by Liaquat Ali Khan to have firm faith in Islam and acquire modern technology as well.
Q7. What is the 'synthesis' that Liaquat Ali Khan believes is necessary for Pakistan to achieve?
Ans. Liaquat Ali Khan has suggested the people of Pakistan to be firm in their crystal clear faith in Islam and all the same, they must acquire modern technology.(educationsight.blogspot.com) The synthesis that Liaquat Ali Khan believes it necessary for Pakistan to achieve as much as she (Pakistan) can do for the unification and uplift of the large number of Free states which are emerging these days.
Q8. Liaquat Ali Khan contrasts two emotions that the Asian peoples tend to feel when they view the Western World. What are these two emotions?
Ans. Liaquat Ali Khan has tried to remind the then American Administration and the people for two important emotions of the Asian people when they view the Western World. Firstly, they are filled with admiration at the sight of the progress and advancement of civilization along with other European countries; they are more impatient for their misery and backwardness and wish keenly for the signs of bright days for themselves.
Secondly, they are acutely aware of the great contrast between their own standards of living and the standards of living in the western world. Hence, he has emphasized the western countries to remove the germs of disruption from Asian countries and enable and encourage the people to enjoy the fullest advances of freedom and democracy.
Q9. What does Liaquat Ali Khan put forward as the two main duties today of the western world?
Ans. Following two duties are put forward by Liaquat Ali Khan today of the western world:
He says that the first duty of the Western world as sharing its great fund knowledge, experience and skill with those numerous countries who were denied their opportunities. Its second duty is to demonstrate that true democracy is international in its very conception and is essential for the maintenance of world peace.
Q10. Our administrative machinery had to be built up from scratch. What does this sentence mean?
Ans. To start from scratch signifies to start from the beginning without any help of advantage.
The sentence therefore means that when Pakistan came into existence, she had no resources. We neither had administrative officers nor military personal. We had to make everything from the very start.
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