English 2nd Year Notes
Q1. What leads Einstein to feel a strong sense of duty towards his fellowmen?
Ans. Einstein thinks that his inner and outer life depends on the hard work of other men. He therefore, wants to contribute to society in the same measure as he has received from it.
Q2. What is Einstein’s attitude to property, outward success and luxury?
Ans. Albert Einstein treats property, outward success and luxury as ordinary and temporary objects of human endeavor. They should not be given worth and value in daily life. Hence, Einstein altogether hates all such short-lived things. He has always been inspired by the ideals of truth, goodness and Beauty. He has always looked down on property, outward success and luxury. He considers plain living is good for both mind and body. He hates worldly success and comforts.
Q3. What are the ‘insecure foundations’ referred to at the end of the last sentence of the forth paragraph?
Ans. Einstein expresses his deep concern for a person who is largely independent of the opinions habits and judgments of his fellows and avoids the temptation to take his stand on such insecure foundations. Because he thinks that such a person certainly loses something in the way of geniality and light-heartedness. According to him mutual understanding and sympathy are the insecure foundations.
Q4. What in brief, is Einstein’s attitude to leadership?
Ans. Albert Einstein is conscious of the political concept and leadership. He believes in healthy leadership, the people should be free to choose their leaders. Einstein is a democrat, he believes that leadership is a necessary, but the people must be given freedom in the selection of their leader. He suggests that leadership should not be thrust upon the people by force because force attracts only people of low mentality and morality as well.
Q5. On what grounds does Einstein put the individual before the state?
Ans. It is a wonderful and the most valuable idea given by Albert Einstein that state is less important, it is the creative individual who alone can create the noble and the sublime. He believes that ‘the herd has always remained full in thought and feeling. We can never expect a new and creative idea from them.
Q6. What examples does Einstein give of service by the state to the individual?
Ans. Albert Einstein welcomes democracy as he says “My political ideal is that of democracy. Let every man be respected as an individual and no man idolized.” In the United State of America, there is provision for ‘the security of ailing and needy persons. He fully appreciates the state where the government or political system makes extensive provisions for social security; where an individual is properly looked after in case of illness and is provided relief in case of misfortune or need.
Q7. What is Einstein’s attitude to, war?
Ans. Einstein says that in his opinion war is a hateful thing. The author considers war abominable and expresses his utmost contempt for war in all forms and calls it a mean, condemnable business. He gives preference to the idea that if his whole body is chopped into pieces, he would not mind but would never take part in the war.
Q8. What forces does he blame for the persistence of war?
Ans. He thinks that the sound sense of the nations has been systematically corrupted by commercial and political interests acting through the schools and the Press.
Q9. What does he appear to regard as the most precious element in human experience?
Ans. Einstein says that man is curious and inquisitive. Man has made important discoveries in this world. He has unveiled many secrets and mysteries of this known world. But man cannot be contented with his achievements in ‘this known world. He, as always, has been trying to explore, the unknown, which lies beyond the known world. His curiosity has taken him to far off planets. There is no end to man’s thirst for the knowledge of the unknown. This thirst for knowledge is the profoundest emotions in man and the most precious element in human experience. Without this basic emotion man is as good as dead. He is just like a snuffed out candle.
Q10. What is his belief concerning the immortality of the soul?
Ans. Einstein strongly believes in the existence of God. He says that the experience of mystery is the base of true art and true science and true religion. According to him science and its progress is the result of man’s to know the mysterious. The true religious attitude for him is knowledge of something which is beyond our understanding. Although he was born of Jewish parents, he believes in mystery of eternity of life.
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