Botany MCQs
2nd Year Biology Notes
1. When the plasmolysed cells are again placed in water, there is a
recovery to the original condition due to endosmosis of water. This is
called __________.
(Plasmolysis, Incipient Plasmolysis, Complete Plasmolysis, Deplasmolysis)
2. Rizobium is found in __________.
(Roots of wheat, Roots of rice, Root-nodules of pea, Deplasmolysis)
3. The oxygen released in photosynthesis comes from __________.
(Carbon dioxide, Carbohydrates, Water, None of above)
4. Cell organella related with respiration is __________.
(Mitochondria, Centriole, Coldgi Body, Nucleus)
5. The end products of glycolysis is __________.
(Citric Acid, Pyruvic Acid, Ethyl alcohol, Glyceraldehyde)
6. Positive geotropism is observed in __________.
(Primary roots, Sucking roots, Aerial roots, None of these)
7. Absorption of water by roots is increased when __________.
(Transpiration rate is less, Salt absorption is increased, Transpiratin rate is incrreased. Photosynthesis rate is increased)
8. In plant cell vacuole contains __________.
(Gases, Vacuum, Dissolved Mineral salts, Water)
9. The union of male and female gametes results in the formation of __________.
(Aplanospore, Meiospore, Zygote, None of these)
10. Enzymes are basically __________.
(Proteins, Vitamins, Fats, Carbohydrates)
11. Semi-permeability is the property of __________.
(Plasma Membrane, Cell wall, Colgi body, Endoplasmic Reticulum)
12. The initial stage of water absorption by root cell is by __________.
(Osmosis, Imbibition, Absorption, Diffusion)
13. Duplication of DNA is called __________.
(Transduction, Transcription, Translation, Replication)
14. Watson and Crick are credited for finding __________.
(DNA is the carrier of genetic information, DNA is a double-stranded
helix, RNA is a double-stranded helix, DNA is composed of sugar,
phosphoric acid and nitrogenous bases)
15. __________ is the unit of inheritance.
(Phenotype, Genotype, Gene, None of these)
16. __________ organalle is related with genetic engineering.
(Plastids, Plasmids, Mutations, Hybrid Vigour)
17. The pollen tube which moves through the style towards ovary is an example of __________.
(Phototropism, Thigmotropism, Hydrotropism, None of these)
18. Cytokinins promote __________.
(Cell division, Apical growth, Tallness, Dwarfness)
19. The number of chromosomes in humans is __________.
(56, 46, 36)
20. The tendency of genes to remain together is called __________.
(Linkage, Crossing over, Gena mutation)
21. Cross fertilization of phenotypically dominant individual with a homozygous recessive individual is __________.
(Dihybrid cross, Munohybrid Cross, Test Cross)
22. Cytokinesis is the division of __________.
(Nucleus, Cytoplasm, Vacuole)
23. Inheritance of acquired characters was suggested by __________.
(Wallace, Aristotle, Lamarck)
24. Translocation of organic food substances takes place through __________.
(Xylem, Phloem, Endodermis)
25. Absorption of water and mineral salts from the soil takes place through __________.
(Older roots, Younger roots, Both of them)
26. Respiration in plants takes place during __________.
(Day time only, Night time only, Day and night both)
27. Process of transpiration is effected by __________.
(Light only, temperature only, both of these)
28. Mitosis takes place in __________.
(Somatic Cell, Sickle cell, Zylem Cell)
29. Transpiration is necessary for __________.
(Movement of Curvature, Synthesis of food material, Conduction of Water)
30. Munch Hypothesis was proposed to explain __________.
(Translocation, Ascent of Sap, Transpiration)
31. Human male set of chromosomes is __________.
(44 + xy, 44 + xx, 44 + 00)
32. The first stable compound formed during photosynthesis is __________.
(ATP, 3PGA, Pyruvic Acid)
33. During Meiosis crossing over takes place at __________.
(Leptotene, Diplotene, Diakenesis)
34. Paleontology evidences are considered as evidence of __________.
(Vestiges, Fossils, Embryo)
35. The genotype of Hybrid is __________.
(T, Tt, tt)
36. The blood group of a man with neither antigens is __________.
(‘O’ Group, ‘A’ Group, ‘AB’ Group)
37. The changes in chromosomes are called __________.
(Linkage, Crossing over, Chromosomal aberration)
38. The growth in plants can be measured by __________.
(Photometer, Respirometer, Auxanometer)
39. Oxygen is evolved during photosynthesis from __________.
(Water, Carbon dioxide, Carbohydrate)
40. The two chromatics of each chromosome are held together at __________.
(Centromere, Centrosome, Chiasma)
41. The sex-linked character in man is __________.
(Hieght, Colour-blindness, Colour of skin)
42. A bacterial cell divides by __________.
(Mitosis, Amitosis, Meiosis)
43. Gene pool is the sum total of __________.
(Genes, Gene frequency, Gene in population)
44. Karyokinesis is the division of __________.
(Nucleus, Cytoplasm, Vacuole)
45. The cell wall is __________.
(Permeable, Impermeable, Semipermeable)
46. The opening and closing of stomata are controlled by __________.
(Stomatal cells, Guard cells, Zylem Cells)
47. The physical process in which water is sucked up by a certain dry or semi-dry material is __________.
(Diffusion, Imbibition, Osmosis, Plasmolysis)
48. Inheritance and variation in living things is explained by __________.
(Ecology, Genetics, Taxonomy, Anatomy)
49. The relative time of day and night to which plant is exposed is __________.
(Photophosphorylation, Phototaxis, Photoperiodism, Phototropism)
50. In meiosis, the snapsis of homologous chromosomes takes place at this sub stage __________.
(Pachytene, Zygotene, Leptotene, Diplotene)
51. The human blood genetic disease in which the red blood cells become of abnormal shape is called __________.
(Anemia, Pneumonia, Insomnia, Sickle-cell anemia)
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