Botany True and False 2010
2nd Year Biology Notes
Botany True and False 2010
1. There are three phases of growth namely Cell division, Cell enlargement and Cell differentiation.
2. The influence of the duration of daily periods of light and darkness on the flowering is known as phototropism.
3. Mimosa pudica shows tropic movements.
4. The water rises up in the plants through xylem vessel.
5. Monosomic is a condition when there is one chromosome less than the original number (2n-1).
6. Sex-linked character in man is Night blindness.
7. A bacterial cell divides by mitosis.
8. Anthocyanin pigment is present in chloroplast.
9. Nature has provided the cell with a means of temporary energy storage in the from of ATP.
10. Protein synthesis takes place in Ribosomes.
11. Anaerobic respiration takes place in the presence of oxygen.
12. Haemophilia is a genetic disease.
13. Gametes are always haploid.
14. Zygotes are always diploid.
15. A man having blood group “0” has two antigens.
16. Haemophilia is sex-linked disease.
17. Shrinkage of protoplasm due to loss of water from the vacuole is called Plasmolysis.
18. The raw materials used during photosynthesis are water and carbon dioxide.
19. Respiration is an anabolic process.
20. In higher plants growth takes place throughout the body.
21. Colour blindness is found more in women than in men.
22. Polyploidy is blood disease.
23. Turner’s syndrome is found in females only.
24. Meiosis takes place at the root and stem apexes of the plant.
25. Transpiration takes place from woody stem also.
26. Opening and closing of the stomata depends upon the turgidity of the guard cells.
27. Molecules of solute can pass though a permeable membrane.
28. The shrinkage of protoplasm takes place during the process of osmosis.
29. D.N.A is a genetic material.
30. Hemophilia is comparatively rare in women.
31. The cross between two individuals differencing in two traits is called Dihybrid cross.
32. Down Syndrome is a disease called Mongolism.
33. The nature of Dark Reaction was studied by Black man.
34. The contrasting characters or alternating forms of the same gene is called Allele.
35. Absorption of water from the soil takes place through xylem vessels.
36. During Meiosis the number of chromosomes remains constant.
37. Photolysis of water takes place during a light reaction.
38. Cuticle also takes part in transpiration.
39. Uracil base is present in D.N.A.
40. Respiration is a katabolic process.
41. Man is heterogametic
42. The drier the air, the more will be the rate of transpiration.
43. The gametes are always diploid.
44. Anthocyanin pigment is present in chloroplast.
45. Water moves in a plant even if there is no root pressure.
46. Transpiration mostly takes place through the roots.
47. Oxygen is evolved in photosynthesis by the splitting of molecules.
48. Nullisomic is a condition when there is one chromosome less than the original number.
49. Proteins are synthesized on the ribosomes.
50. The reversal in the sequence of genes within the chromosomes is called Inversion.
51. In moths, birds and some fishes the females are homogamatic and the males are heterogametic.
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