Role of Allama Iqbal in The Creation of Pakistan
2nd Year Pakistan Studies Notes
Role of Allama Iqbal in The Creation of Pakistan
Allama Mohammad Iqbal was born on 9th November 1877 in Sialkot. After
seeking early education, he was admitted to Government College Lahore,
where he obtained M.A. degree in Philosophy. He left for England for
higher studies in 1905. In 1907, he obtained the Degree of Doctorate
(Ph.D.) from Munich University.
Iqbal's Role in Pakistan Movement
Following are some key areas where Allam Iqbal's role led to Pakistan's creation.
Iqbal's Idea about Nationhood
Allama Iqbal was the greatest philospher and poet of the present era.
Alongwith this, he possessed a view about political affairs. He awakened
the feeling of Muslim Nationhood among the Muslims of India through his
poetry and told them about the propaganda of West about Muslims.
When the Hindu philosphers presented this philosphy that a nation is
born throughout the country and when Maulana Hussain Ahmed Madni
seconded it, then Iqbal reacted strongly towards it. His thinking and
poetry reflect the Two Nation Theory and his poetry awakened the feeling
of Islamic nationality among the Muslims of India. This sense of a
single unity was a major factor in the creation of Pakistan.
Iqbal's Political Life
Allama Iqbal made his debut in politics when he was elected as the
member of Punjab's Legislative Assembly in 1926. During the elections of
1937, when Quaid-e-Azam started the reconstruction of the Muslim
Leaague, Allama Iqbal stood besides him. He not only supported
Quaid-e-Azam and the Muslim League wholeheartedly, but he also respected
Quaid-e-Azam's point of view.
Iqbal and Two Nation Theory
Allama Iqbal firmly believed that the Muslims of India have a separate
identity and to protect this identity, the establishment of a separate
homeland for the Muslims of India was necessary. On 28th March 1909, he
rejected the invitation from the secular party "Minswa Lodge"
highligting the fact that:
"I have been a keen supporter of this theory that religious differences
in this country should end and even now I practise this principle. But,
now I have started to believe that separate national identity for the
Muslims and the Hindus is necessary for their survival."
In 1930, in the Annual Session of Muslim League at Allahbad, Iqbal said:
"India is a continent of human groups belonging to different races,
speaking different languages and professing different religions. Their
behaviour is not at all determined by a common race conciousness. I
therefore, demand the formation of a consolidated Muslim state in the
best intrest of India and Islam."
Pakistan's Sketch
Allama Iqbal's Presidential Adress at Allahbad in 1930 determined the
political path of the Muslims of sub-continent. In his adress, he in
clear words said:
"I would like to see the Punjab, North-West Frontier Province, Sindh and Balochistan been combined into a single state".
He further stated that:
"The formation of a consolidated North-West Indian Muslim State appears
to be the final destiny of the Muslims, at least of the north west
Thus, Iqbal demanded a sovereign independent Muslim state even before the Muslim League demanded it in Pakistan's Resolution.
Ideology of Pakistan and Iqbal
Iqbal was strictly against nationalism. He considered all the Muslims to
be a part of One Ummah. For him, a Muslim in any part of the world was
part of a brotherly relation. He considered nationalism to be a coffin
for the Muslim Umma.
Thus, highlighting the limitations and disadvantages of nationalism,
Iqbal gave the philosphy of a "Millat-e-Islamia" and this philosphy
became the basis of Pakistan's ideology.
In short, the personality of Allama Iqbal has left indelible marks in
history. He tried to awaken the Muslims of India through his philosphy,
poetry and politics. He gave the idea of independence to the Muslims of
India. Iqbal died on 21st April, 1938. He was buried infront of the
"Badshahi Mosque" in "Huzori Bagh."
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