Reflections On The Re-Awaking East - Question Answers

English 2nd Year Notes

Q1. "Why is it insular for European historians to term the centuries after the fall of Roman Empire The dark Ages?

Ans. "It is prejudiced attitude of the European historians that after fall of Roman Empire, They called the era "The dark ages". Because of darkness prevailed in culture, civilization, science, arts, and all other aspects of life. On the other hand Muslims in Spain and China had glorious and brilliant culture and they were pioneering all field of life as compare to European countries. These countries were having greatest seats of learning of civilization and culture.

Q2. "On What ground does the author argue that communism is the most modern and virulent form of western imperialism?

Ans. "The philosophy of communism is based on expansionism and its regime is impressed by military force, which is absolutely totalitarian and dictatorial in theory and practice. Its philosophy, domination and supremacy are accepted in smaller countries as a result, most of the European countries in neighborhood have become communist. So it retains the characteristics of the Western Imperialism and it is on these grounds that the author argues that communism is the most modern and virulent from of Western imperialism.

Q3. "To what cause does the author attribute the power of England in the early Nineteenth century and the power of the United States and Russia today?

Ans. "Bertrand Russell attributes the power of England in the early 19th century and present power of America and Russia to the following reasons:
"The author attributes the power of England in the early Nineteenth century to her monopoly of machines production. Similarly he attributes the power of the United State of America and Russia today to their supremacy in the same field.
"The author is of the view that Knowledge of scientific technique and its application on large scale for growth of Industrialization is one of the secrets of their power in 19th century.

Q4. "Why does Bertrand Russel consider it useless to resist industrialization?

Ans. "Bertrand Russel considers it dangerous and useless to resist industrialization on two grounds. Firstly, the modern age is of science and technology; without its knowledge and application, world can progress in modern times. Secondly, industries are the source of energy, employment, prosperity and industrially backward nations cannot stay free for long time. They can easily be dominated and captured by any of the super powers in the world. Hence, he believes that it is in the interest of Asian countries to acquire lead in industrialization not only for the sake of progress but for world peace itself.

Q5. "Does Bertrand Russell welcome cultural uniformity or not? How does he justify his attitude?

Ans. "No, Bertrand Russell does not welcome cultural uniformity in any part of the world. He justifies his attitude by saying that no great civilization has ever been cosmopolitan. It means that international culture divorced from local characteristics; the feeling of belonging to the world rather than to any particular country: Moreover, the customs, traditions and good qualities of local culture will lose their importance and existence. Russel advises the Asian countries to form their own block without speaking about the cultural uniformity.

Q6. "How is traditional culture threatened in an age dominated by science and machinery?

Ans. "Bertrand Russell very clearly indicates that traditional culture like poetry, music, art, love and simple joys of life are threatened in an age dominated by science and machinery. They are forgotten in the communist philosophy and are not given sufficient weight and value by many people who think themselves in the forefront of progress. Science and machinery are likely to put an end not only what it is bad but also what is good in traditional culture.

Q7. "What reasons does Bertrand Russell give for his opinion that the nations of Asia will not find it hard to keep their independence?

Ans. "Bertrand Russell is of the opinion that the nations of Asia will not find it hard to keep their freedom at home and respect it elsewhere if the whole world is divided into two opponent groLips. But, he warns them that it will be more difficult and dangerous for them if they do not avoid from the mistakes of the west i.e. use of extraordinary energy and exploitation of those countries which have less of these qualities. He also advises them not to join any group and keep themselves neutral.

Q8. "What in Bertrand Russell’s opinion has been the most serious flaw in the character of the west over the last few centuries?

Ans. "Bertrand Russell is of the view that the west throughout the last five centuries has displayed extraordinary energy which has taken many forms some good, some bad. The Western countries have shown the love of power over other human beings and the Asians as well as Africans have been tortured and oppressed by the energetic ingenuity of the Western Conquest. It has been the most serious flaw in the character of the West over the last few centuries.

Q 9. "What in the author’s opinion, should Asian countries accept from the west and what should they reject?

Ans. "Bertrand Russell is of the opinion that Asian countries must preserve their traditional culture. They must keep themselves independent. They should try to develop their industrial resources because without industrial development, they can not survive in the modern age. They must not take their industry to the point of nuclear energy as done by west. They must do modern industrialization to solve the problems of their people. They should hold independence at home and respect it elsewhere. They should work for the world peace. They should not use energy and ingenuity for the exploitation of those who have less of these qualities.

Q10. "What parallels may be drawn between the decline of Europe at the end of the Roman Empire and the decline of Europe in the Power since 1914?

Ans. "The common thing between the decline in power of Europe at the fall of Roman Empire and the decline of Europe after 1914 was the wars between Roman and Germans. The fall of Roman Empire gave domination to the East and the First World War and the Second World War enfeebled Europe again. Both the wars were fought between German and other occidentals.

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