The Devoted Friend - Question Answers

English 2nd Year Notes

Q1. Briefly explain why the story of Hans and the Miller was applicable to the water-rat.

Ans. the story of Hans and the Miller was applicable to the water rat because water rat was as selfish as the Miller. The story was, one day the water rat came out of his hole and saw a duck teaching her young’s how to swim. The young ducks did not pay any attention. The water rat remarked that the young ducks were disobedient and they deserved to be drowned. This shows his selfishness. The water-rat claims that ‘friendship is much higher than anything else in the world’ but does not know the duties of a devoted friend when asked by the in net. Hence, the linnet tells story of Hans and the Miller which is applicable to the water-rat.

Q2. When do we first suspect that the Miller was not really a very good friend to Hans?

Ans. In the beginning of the story we begin to suspect with the Miller’s statement that when our relatives and friends are in trouble, they should be left alone and not be bothered by us’. It makes very clear the low mentality and selfishness of the miller that when our dears are facing hard times of the world, we should not go to sympathize with them or extend help; they will be in more trouble.

Q3. How did the miller justify his not asking Hans to share some of his good things during the winter?

Ans. Firstly, the Miller insults his youngest son for inviting Hans at their home if he is in trouble. Then, he justifies his not asking Hans to share some of his good things in winter. He is of the view that Hans’ may get envious to see their luxurious life, rich and fast food, being the best friend he would not like Hans nature is spoilt. Again he claims that flour and friendship are two different words with different meaning and spelling hence, they should not be confused, He did not want to spoil him.

Q4. How did the miller’s wife reveal that she too was really to exploit generosity of Hans?

Ans. The Miller’s wife favors and supports every wrong idea of her husband. She fully backs and appreciates his idea of not bothering friends when they are in trouble.
She says: “You are certainly thoughtful about others. Again, when the Millerjustifies his not asking Hans to share some of good things in winter, she says:
“How well you talk! It is just like being in the church”.
As soon as the winter was over the Miller expressed his desire to go to his friend Hans. The Miller’s wife appreciated the idea and asked her husband to take a big basket. This is enough to show that the Miller’s wife too was ready to exploit the generosity of Hans.

Q5. How did the miller persuade Hans to carry the large sack of flour to market?

Ans. One day, when Hans was busy in his work in the garden to nail up the creepers, roll the grass and water the flowers, The Miller was a clever fellow. He promised to give his wheel-barrow to Hans. One day the miller brought a large sack of flower and asked Hans to go the market. Hans was very busy and wanted to excuse himself. But the Miller persuaded him not to refuse, considering that he was going to give him his wheel-barrow.

Q6. How did the miller justify his rebuke to Hans for staying in bed a little later than usual after his tiring expedition to the market?

Ans. Author tells us that Hans was too much tired after his tiring journey to the market and became late in getting up. When the Miller came to get his money, he found Hans in bed and insulted him calling lazy and idle. After that he justified his rebuke to its simple friend saying not to mind his plain talk because whatever he said he it was for his good. He further said that idleness is great sin and he did not want any of his friends to be idle.

Q7. Why was Hans unable to look after his garden?

Ans. The Miller kept Hans busy in his own personal works. One day, he took him to the market to carry a large sack of flour for sale. The other day, he called him to repair the barn roof. One the third day, he was sent with the sheep of the Miller to the mountain for grazing. For these reasons, Hans was unable to look after his garden and so the flowers were getting dry.(

Q8. What was the supreme manifestation of the Miller’s selfishness which caused Hans to lose his life?

Ans. The Miller’s son fell from the ladder. He approached Hans and asked him to fetch a doctor from the city. Hans got ready to fetch the doctor. It was a stormy night. He requested Miller to give him his lantern. But Miller was not prepared to part - with his lantern. Now, this was the supreme manifestation of Miller’s selfishness which caused the death of Hans in the pitch dark night.

Q9. Comment briefly on the Miller’s claim to have been Han’s best friend?

Ans. The Miller’s claim to have been Hans’ best friend, is absolutely false and based on cheating. He is out and out the most selfish, mean and cunning fellow. His claim to have been Hans’ friend is motivated purely by his selfishness. On this pretext, he walked at the head of the funeral procession and shed crocodile tears. He had also offered Hans, his good for nothing wheel borrow but he did not know what to do with it.

Q10. What is the effect of the Miller’s disclosure that the wheel barrow was totally worthless?

Ans. The Miller’s disclosure that his wheel barrow was totally worthless reflects his mean and selfish nature. He himself confesses saying: “It is very much in my way at home and it is in such bad repair that I could not get anything for it if I sold it.( One certainly suffers for being generous.” It is completely wrong idea that one suffers for his generosity nobody can agree to the Miller’s idea. The worthless wheel barrow, he promised to give his friend but he did not fulfill his promise till poor Hans died.

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