style="text-align: center;">English 2nd Year Notes
Q1. How does Shakespeare look at the world and arm? Answer the reference to that speech from “AS you like it”?
Ans. In this poem Shakespeare describes various stages of human life. He compares this world to a stage where man and women as actors and actress perform the drama of human life. The birth and death of human beings is similar to the entrance and exit of characters of stage. This point of view reflects his deep affiliation with theatre.
Q2. What roles does every one play on the stage of his world according to Shakespeare?
Ans. This speech is taken from Act II, scene VII of As you like it written by William Shakespeare. He divides the human life into seven stages. According to Jacques the entire world is like a stage. All human beings are life actors. Man performed many parts on the stage of his world.
i. At first he performs the role of his world.
ii. Then, he performs the role of school boy.
iii. He performs the role of lover.
iv. Then he becomes a soldier and faces every danger for the sake of honor and the glory of his country.
v. After this stage he becomes a judge with a bulging belly.( He knows many wise saying and modern instances.
vi. In the sixth stage man becomes old and thin and looks like a clown, His legs grow so thin that the socks which he wore in his youth become too wide for him
vii. The last stage, which is the closing chapter of his eventful history, is the second childhood. He is then without teeth, without eyes, without taste and without every thing.
Q3. What are these seven ages into Jacques divides a man’s life according to the poem “The Seven Ages of Man”?
Ans. i. Infancy
ii. Childhood age
iii. Adulthood (youth).
iv. Soldier with rules (Man or Women)
v. Judge (Eager to implement his. her knowledge)
vi. Old age
vii. Very old age
Q4. Why does the school boy go to school at a snail’s pace?
Ans. The school boy goes to school very slowly, because he wished to pIaythe whole day long. He is unwilling to attend the school.
Q5. Why does the lover sigh like a furnace according to the poem “Seven ages of Man”?
Ans. The young boy who has fallen in love with some beautiful girl he has composed some verses in which he has praised the beautiful features of his beloved. He sighs like a furnace.
Q6. What motive is said to make the soldier brave in a battle?
Ans. The young soldier has taken the oath of serving his country and countrymen, even with his blood. He wants to win laurels for his country. –
Q7. What is Justice?
Ans. A justice of peace is an unpaid magistrate who sits in a local court to try less serious cases.
Q8. Jacques take a disrespectful humorous view of man in all the parts he plays through life in the poem “Seven Ages of Man”.
Ans. Jacques takes a disrespectful humorous view of men in all the parts plays on the stage of life The first stage is that of infancy. As a child, one is thoroughly depend on his mother or his nurse. As a boy one behave in queer manners. One does not willingly go to school.( As a young man, one composes verses in praises of his beloved and sighs like a furnace. This stage is also very strange and humorous.
Q9. Describe the last two stages of man’s life as depicted by Jacques in the seven ages of man.
Ans. The last two stages of a man’s life depicted by Jacques in the poem “the Seven Ages of Man’ by William Shakespeare are follows: In the sixth age the wise judge is an old man now. His legs are thin, body has shrunk, and his strong voice changes into a squeaking voice. ii. The seventh and the last stage of a man’s life is the time of exit. He is once again dependent upon others a she was in infancy. Shakespeare has called this age second childhood.
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